
3PL & 4PL Logistics

In simple terms, a 3PL will offer a variety of logistics services such as freight transportation, order fulfillment, and warehousing to product companies who need to ship, store, and transport goods. In other words, a 3PL acts as a middleman between your business and the carriers that deliver your products to customers. Most 3PLs manage or own their own facilities where the seller’s inventory is stored and fulfilled.

4PL Logistics assume many of the same roles as third-party logistics (3PL) providers, but have much broader responsibility and accountability in helping the customer reach its strategic goals.

"Accountability and control help differentiate a 3PL from a 4PL. A 4PL provider is an integrator that manages all aspects of the supply chain. Going beyond physical logistics, a 4PL may include elements of IT, procurement, and finance. A 4PL may outsource the management of physical goods to one or several 3PLs.

A 4PL is a fourth-party logistics provider and it essentially takes third-party logistics a step further by managing resources, technology, infrastructure, and even manage external 3PLs to design, build and provide supply chain solutions for businesses.

Some the features

  • Logistics strategy
  • Analytics including transportation spend, analysis, capacity utilization, and carrier performance
  • Freight sourcing strategies
  • Network analysis and design
  • Consultancy
  • Business planning
  • Change management
  • Project management
  • Control tower and network management services, coordinating a wide supplier base across many modes and geographies
  • Inventory planning and management
  • Inbound, outbound and reverse logistics management
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